

Refuge Worker

Hello, my name is Georgina, and I'm a Refuge Worker at one of Hestia's Domestic Abuse Services. My Hestia journey began when I was a student studying social work - I did two placements, one with domestic abuse, and one in mental health. As a young adult, the placements taught me so much both professionally and personally.

I enjoyed it so much I stayed working as a pool worker across two mental health services. I knew that I had the heart for this role, and being able to get great outcomes for my clients gave me such a warm feeling. It was priceless.

I always remember being on my knees holding a man’s hand to have a blood test in the GP surgery - nobody had managed to get him to have bloods done in years. When it was done, I was just so happy, and we totted down the high street for carrot cake.

But I was always interested in getting back into the domestic abuse sector, so I jumped at the chance when the opportunity came. The survivors I work with inspire me so much. When I think about all the women & children I’ve met and helped, it's something I will always cherish. I always hope to be that professional that makes a difference & understands.

Hestia has given me such wonderful opportunities and I’m now exploring management roles. I’ve met some amazing mentors along my way who I look up to so much, and Hestia will forever hold a piece of my heart.

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