Our Culture

We live by our values, we care, and we support each other. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind.

We are committed to creating a more equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation and continually reflect on what we can do to achieve this.

You will be part of a supportive, friendly team who are all dedicated to the work they do, who genuinely care about each other and value the work they do.

Hestia Culture

Our Values

In everything we do we seek to be:








We show consideration for one another, treating others fairly with courtesy and respect. We value and embrace difference and build positive relationships based on honesty and trust. We have confidence in each other’s capabilities and intentions. We always approach those around us with unconditional positive regard.



We are open, honest, and straightforward, we resolve issues by talking to each other. We promote two-way communications to ensure understanding and generate assurance for all. We seek out, listen to, and give feedback we are committed to our own development and that of others. We confront ethical issues without hesitation.



We are advocates for Hestia, we demonstrate pride and belief in what we do every day. We are professional at all times – this instils confidence in our colleagues, service users and external partners. We recognise and celebrate excellence in our people and in the delivery of our services. We keep our promises, ‘Saying is doing’.



We see the value in working together to address common challenges. We believe that everyone has a positive contribution to make. We treat everyone as equals, actively encouraging ideas and knowledge sharing. We actively seek out and offer different perspectives and expertise to improve our outcomes. We are solution focused – the best interests of the organisation and our service users are central to our thinking and actions.



We challenge the accepted wisdom to support innovation. We are inquisitive and receptive to new ideas. We are ambitious – we constantly strive to raise the bar and challenge and support others to achieve this. We seek out and make the most of opportunities –reflecting on our experience and translate learning into future action. We are aspirational – we encourage positive risk taking and are open to and promote change.

The Hestia Approach

The Hestia Approach represents our commitment to making the most effective interventions possible in the lives of those who use our services.

Our approach is based on a single principle: in order to add real value to people’s lives it is essential that we work with them as equals. Our expertise and experience of working with people on their recovery journeys is valuable, and we believe this gives us a great deal to contribute, but we never impose our ideas.

Our Networks

Our Networks

  • Hestia Voice

  • LGBTQ+

  • UCAN

  • Stronger Together

  • Unison

Hestia Voice

Hestia Voice Employee forum is an opportunity for regular conversation between employees and senior leaders through 10 employee representatives, as we share experiences, raise insights and themes from across Hestia. We build on our relationships with our people through collaboration, giving a sense of belonging in a dispersed environment where staff can have a voice as we listen to concerns, discuss, consult, share and deliver messages on our organisational strategy and change at Hestia.


Since its start in 2016, the LGBTQ+ Network was set up to champion the voices, experiences, and opportunities for LGBTQ+ people and our allies, whilst identifying and addressing any intersectionality or cross cutting diversity issues.


Hestia’s Disability Diversity Group’s remit is to assist Hestia to ensure a consistent organisational approach to engaging and supporting staff and service users with specific protected characteristics.

Stronger Together

Stronger Together is Hestia’s EDI group set up for people at all levels with Black and Brown heritage backgrounds. We also refer to ourselves as Black/Brown people. The group is diverse in cultures, ethnicities and global representation. The name Stronger Together was coined collectively by the group to celebrate our shared commonalities in terms of discrimination/ micro-aggression and how we can and have overcome difficulties we face as a result of our skin colour.


Hestia works in partnership with Unison. Unison are committed to fairly representing the views of our staff/their members and challenging Hestia in a constructive and respectful way, in the spirit of our values, whilst appreciating the environment we are working in, and the constraints we are working under.

  • Hestia Voice
  • Hestia LGBTQ+
  • Hestia UCAN
  • Hestia Stronger
  • Unison

Our people are diverse

EDI Strategy

We are working with all staff to co-produce an equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy which will have a primary focus on race and identify any other inclusion barriers which may exist in Hestia.

Black Lives Matters Review

Our Trustees commissioned an independent review to consider practises and culture across the organisation to ensure that that we identify, expose and address any areas of conscious or unconscious institutional or interpersonal racism and inequality. All staff at Hestia can play their full part in the life of the organisation at all levels.

18 - 70+
Age range
Staff from ethnic minority backgrounds
Staff have declared a disability
Disability Confident Employer
Stonewall Diversity Champion
Stonewall Diversity Champion

Employee Stories

  • Benjamin Blankson

    Hello, I’m Benjamin, and I’m a Homelessness Prevention and Advice Officer. I’ve been working at Hestia for 2 months now, and already I have become a part of a very enthusiastic an...

    Benjamin Blankson
    Homelessness Prevention and Advice Officer

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  • Robert Panico

    Hello, my name is Robert and I began my journey at Hestia in 2020 as a volunteer, before becoming an Outreach Advocate within the Modern Slavery Response Team in June 2021. Our team’s focus i...

    Robert Panico
    Outreach Advocate

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  • Stefania Dobre

    Hello, my name is Stefania, and I have been working as an Outreach Advocate for the Modern Slavery Response Team at Hestia for the last 4 months. My first two weeks consisted of training, and after...

    Stefania Dobre
    Outreach Advocate

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  • Charlotte Maguire

    Hello, my name is Charlotte and I’m a Team Manager in Hestia’s Modern Slavery Response Team. Our team supports victims of modern slavery and human trafficking to find services that faci...

    Charlotte Maguire
    Team Manager

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  • Natalie Purton-Jones

    Hi, I’m Nat and I’ve been with Hestia for 14 years. Prior to coming to Hestia, I was working with the NHS on an acute mental health ward. After doing that for a few years I wanted a cha...

    Natalie Purton-Jones
    Floating Support Worker

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  • Rachel

    Hello, my name is Rachel and I'm a Domestic Violence Safety Planner at Hestia. I first began volunteering for Hestia in a Covid-19 Crisis role, dropping off food and medication to shielding service...

    Domestic Violence Safety Planner

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